Before buying online



There are many things you can buy over the internet that make sense, but bowling equipment isn’t one of them.  You can lose potential warranty or make it hard to get a warranty, and you may not get the proper pin and weight you need.  Also, you will pay $35 to $50 more for a ball than what your cost would be from us.  In season we order almost every day and keep a big inventory.  If you do not see what you want on our inventory list we can order it and save you a lot of money.  Even our bags, shoes, and other equipment is usually priced at or below internet prices.

The online retailers do not support Pro-Shops!  We will still drill the ball you purchased over the internet but will charge you a higher price than what you would have paid from us. Pro-Shops do lose out on any rebates based on volume because of this, so in the end it costs you and the Pro-Shop extra to buy over the internet!

Exceptions:  discontinued balls, seconds, or an individual seller.  If in doubt, call us first (608-825-9027) and we will be the first to tell you to get it if it’s a good deal!  You can check our inventory through this website.







6909 Briar Lane
Sun Prairie, WI 53590


All work done by appointment only (Please Call)