Should you get
a ball plugged and redrilled?


There is no easy answer, but first consider the economics.  If you are buying new balls that are being drilled at a high retail price, it may look like an economical solution, but if you are purchasing balls at the Pro-Shops cost, then adding the cost of drilling, grips, and thumb slug, (like you would here) it may not be worth it.  Think about it:  The Pro-Shop Operator (PSO) still needs to charge the cost for drilling (which includes layout, balancing, possibly spinning on a D’terminator, and recording information) plus grips and thumb slug.  Now the PSO must add the cost of plugging the ball, and possibly refinishing on a resurfacer.  If these charges were all applied, it would cost well over $100 dollars to plug and redrill a ball.  If you are paying for a used ball from another bowler, bring it in and check with us first, to see what it would cost and if the ball is worth it.  Consider the condition and age of the ball.  Balls in less than very good condition should be eliminated.

If the condition is good, and the holes are not rounded off by hand resurfacing, and the layout will be similar to what was already on the ball, and the ball was (or is) one of your favorites, it may be worth it.  Do not resurface balls on a spinner to any degree.  Use light pressure and stay away from holes!  This is why we use Haus Resurfacers!

I see way too many balls being plugged and redrilled when the customer would be far better off investing in a new ball with a new cover and updated technology.  Used balls that we sell need to be in excellent shape and are usually refinished and priced to sell.  Even still, I like to drill balls close to the old pattern so the ball reacts as it should.  Balls previously drilled for left handed bowlers usually should be sold to lefties, and right handed balls to righties with some exceptions.  Because the thumb holes are drilled deep and take out a lot of the weight block we like to locate the new thumb hole in (or close to) the same place

Yes, plugging balls is another revenue stream for the PSO, but at the cost of much more time, materials, and labor.  A common occurrence for us is the plugging and redrilling of balls you had in your arsenal before you got a new ball here.  You want to get the old ones to fit the same.  We can advise you on the economics and you can weigh the difference between that or new one.

In short, a PSO cannot pay money for a used ball and make it worth his/her while to plug, refinish, and redrill to make a profit unless he/she has nothing else to do or they are not running that business through the books!  We do not operate that way.  Plugged asymmetric balls that are redrilled should be spun on the D’terminator (most shops do not have this) to mark a new PSA.  Weight block material has a density that is 2 to 4 times greater than plug material, so balls may never react like they are supposed to based on reviews!





6909 Briar Lane
Sun Prairie, WI 53590


All work done by appointment only (Please Call)